

Mod Gwaliar Bypass, ETAWAH, U.P.- India.


OPEN TIME8:30 AM - 2:30 PM

Sunday - Closed


Vision & Mission


Our school's mission is to learn leadership, the common core, and relationships for life. Our mission is to provide a safe, disciplined learning environment that empowers all students to develop their full potential. We are a learning community, passionate about an International Education, which inspires and encourages learning and intercultural understanding. We facilitate self-discovery and development of unique interests, gifts and talents, whilst promoting service learning as a force for good in the world. To create extra ordinary educational experiences for learners to connect with their purpose and passions. Learners embrace opportunities to be the best they can be and take personal responsibility for creating a more peaceful inclusive and sustainable world.



We are and will be a school where design and social research drive approaches to studying issues of our time, such as democracy, urbanization, technological change, economic empowerment, sustainability, migration, and globalization. We will be the preeminent intellectual and creative center for effective engagement in a world that increasingly demands better-designed objects, communication, systems, and organizations to meet social needs. Our vision aligns with shifts in the global economy, society, and environment, which animates our mission and our values:

Creativity, innovation, and a desire to challenge the status quo will affect what and how we teach and the intellectual ambitions of the university itself. At Paankunwar International School, we strive to build lasting relationships among students and staff that encourage open discussion and provide activities that develop our students' strengths.

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