

Mod Gwaliar Bypass, ETAWAH, U.P.- India.


OPEN TIME8:30 AM - 2:30 PM

Sunday - Closed



Discipline Norms for the Students

Welcome to Paankunwar International School.
  1. The admission of a child in the school means complete acceptance by the Parents/ Guardians of all school rules laid down/amended from time to time. Rules are subject to change at the discretion of the school management.
  2. Students and staff are all required to report to school on time, or respective to their transportation schedule. 3. It is mandatory for parents to sign the Principal's or Teacher's remarks in the diary. This specimen implies that appropriate follow-up/remedial action is being taken.
  3. All children should come to school clean and tidy, and in their complete school uniform.
  4. All children should be particularly careful about cleanliness of the school and their respective classrooms. Use of dustbins is highly encouraged.
  5. Students are required to speak in English while at school premises.
  6. No child may leave the school premises during the school hours without the written permission of the unauthoritative person.
  7. The Guardian of the pupil is liable to pay for or replace any damage to the school property without any delay or dispute.
  8. Proper transport arrangements must be made by the parents or guardians to drop and pick their ward on time. The school will not be responsible for the safety of the child before or after school hours.
  9. 1Parents/Guardians are not allowed to visit the teachers in the classrooms.
  10. Politeness and good conduct on the part of the students and teachers is very important. Students, staff and parents should be polite to each other.
  11. Abusive language, shouting and screaming is not allowed in the school premises.
  12. During recess and before morning assembly, students have to be in their respective classrooms.
  13. Prior leave application should be submitted to class teachers and sanctioned from the Principal, only then the leave will be allowed.
  14. For absence from the school at the time of examination, no exam for any subject or class will be reconducted. It is mandatory for all the student to be present while examination or else it will highly effect their grades.
  15. Any student who takes a leave from school due to medical reason has to submit the medical certificate as and when present in the school.
  16. No promotion to higher class, anyhow, will be sanctioned to any student.
  17. Disobedient/non cooperative behavior use of abusive language, rude behavior, bunking classes, leaving class without teacher's permissions, using unfair means during test/examinations and bullying/beating fellow students is strictly prohibited and is subject to corrective disciplinary action.
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